Well.... I can see you took my plea for no change during transfer boards seriously and took away two of my best friends... My darling companion and Elder Cook. Sigh. Well. It was bound to happen. Sister Contreras is really one of my best friends in the whole world.... she has always been so kind to me and always been there for me in everything. She's corrected me so kindly and inspired me to be a better missionary. With the unity we've enjoyed, we turned around this area with the Lord's help. Everything is set up for Sister Horning to come up and have a great Mexican experience! I've served with Elder Cook for 9 months. My whole mission except for the MTC and my first transfer here. He is a fantastic missionary and just a really good person, we all knew that he was going to be made an assistant. I'm really excited for the mission!!!
Here we're doing good! General Conference was a great experience! None of our investigators came which was disappointing... but we had really good experiences with them during the week and we're determined to have them there this coming Sunday.
We had a really good zone leadership meeting... I loved being there! Thank you for making it clear that Sister Training Leaders need to be a part of setting the zone vision... I was able to contribute a much different point of view and it helped us to shape our vision. It also helped me know what is going on in the zone. As the only sisters, I didn't realize really how cut out of the loop we've been. But now we know where we can help so much more. It was a very spiritual and unifying experience, thank you for making that clear.
We've just started teaching a part member family.... the parents are not married but the wife is already a member. She said she's waiting for her husband to completely give up drinking before she's ready to marry him. He's already been weekly-sober... just struggling on the weekends. Well our first lesson was super powerful about families. A week later when we followed up he said he hadn't had ANYTHING!!!!!!! FOR A WHOLE WEEK!!!! it's a miracle. So hopefully that continues and soon we can get them married and baptized and in the temple!!!!
We also had a really cool contact. Right now we're working on talking with everyone. I've been really impressed with so many sisters on my mission how they take advantage of every opportunity and finally it's hitting me. Most of them go and talk to someone while their car is being filled with gas! So we've been really trying hard to do the same... I don't know why a gas station approach is so much harder for me than a door knock but it really is haha. BUT! I overcame my fear and just did it last week and talked to the teenage boy filling up right by us. He accepted our pass along card and we set an appointment for two days later! He actually was there AND he brought his friend!!!! Both of them accepted the invitation to be baptized!!!!! We still have to set a date, but it was a MIRACLE!!!!! I know God did that on purpose so that I get over myself and my fear and just talk to everyone, because you never know!!! We got 5 new investigators this week... we're doing really well! One is a member's friend, those two boys, the husband of another investigator that is the key to baptizing the couple (we spent a lot of quality time with them this weekend, helping them move, she's expecting their first child), and a referral from the English elders!!! It's been a very blessed week!
I'm really determined about this next transfer President. I'm going to be the best missionary I've ever been and we are going to WORK and not waste ANY TIME and we are going to BAPTIZE. I officially have four transfers left. My time feels so precious to me. I feel weepy every time I think about it ending. I'm not going to lose a second.
Thanks so much for everything President! And from what I heard about transfer calls and talking to my sisters, there's a lot of new leadership!!!! Thanks so much for giving these sisters opportunities!!!!! Thanks for making me feel heard!!!!
You're the best!!! I love you and Sister Clark so much!!!!!
Sister Zollinger
Mom!!!!! I Love you!!!!
My leg is getting better... played frisbee at like 30% last week but we won so that was awesome. We watched Meet the Mormons on Friday!! I saw it the Friday before at Mission Leadership Council with the departing missionaries, the ZL's and the STL's. It's coming out this weekend, you need to try and get everyone you know to go and post it on Facebook... it has a page on Facebook to, so make sure you like it! And like it for my page too please!!! how long it's in theaters depends on success opening weekend and it's a really great way for people to get to know mormons better! They said in an explanation by Jeffery R holland before our showing that 75% of the people that watched it (non-members) would reccomend it to their friends and a lot of them said that it dramatically changed their attitude towards missionaries!!!!! BIG DEAL!!!! SPREAD THE WORD!!!!
We had to get FLU SHOTS. Usually they cost money you know? But Walgreens had just done shots for the homeless the day before, and when they saw us all come in, they had some extra free homeless vouchers and so they gave the vouchers for us! And Elder Craven, the huge missionary, had duck dynasty bandaides... so we all matched. great experience.
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