Hey President!
So life is going well! I'm pretty darn happy. I think this zone conference was the best one I'd ever been to. Especially the trainings on the Lord's Vision, that was EXACTLY what the mission needed, it was so great!!! I also learned a lot during the accountability bit. When you were talking about how the amount that we paid/sacrificed to come on a mission in stead of paying to go to Yale or something isn't even comparable, something clicked in my head that has really helped me with the adjustment of going home. I realized that this is kind of "The Lord's University" and that it was never about "going on a mission", just like the point of going to college isn't going to college, it's to learn so you can prepare yourself for the rest of your life of achievements. So I realized that's what the mission is. I'm simply "graduating" with all the tools that I have learned that have prepared me to be a full time member missionary, which is just as important as being a full-time missionary because you get to stay and nurture people long term and also get to introduce "higher quality investigators" to the full-time missionaries. So I feel much more at peace with everything. Naturally, it still clips at my heart every time someone mentions me going home (the average is about 50 times a day haha) but I'm feeling pretty peaceful about it. I'm really excited (and nervous!) to see my family for the first time in 18 months.
Love you!
Sister Zollinger
Hey Mom!
So life is crazy here. Next week is shot because I have the departing missionary temple trip on Thursday, weekly planning and my last ward missionary night on Friday, then we'll be in Fresno all day Saturday for M. Russel Ballard!!! and then my last Sunday, last Preparation Day, Tuesday is my farewell and then HOME!! So pretty much this is my last full week of normal missionary work. I think we're having a birthday thing today for my branch missionaries. The four of us are all May birthdays, which is just too cool for me to pass up on. So I'm making a chocolate cake with whipped cream and chopped up Oreos on top and we're going to celebrate before I go. Hermana Maw is May 9th, Elder Jone's is May 13th, me on the 20th and Elder Jorquera is the 25th. So. Hay que celebrar. (we've gotta celebrate).
Other than that. Just leaving. I have a box that I'm probably going to mail tomorrow. Then hopefully next week I'll send another one. It's just hard because there's so many things I want to do, so many people that want to be with me before I leave, but I also have to get a lot of cleaning done and organizing... so time is crunched right now. But it's all good.
My last zone conference was cool. It was hard. Some how a bunch of old friends happened to be trasnfered up here so I got to see them and that was cool. Every time the departing missionaries go up and give their testimonies, and as I was walking up and bunch of missionaries just wispered "don't go sister zollinger!" or gave me really sad faces. It was really gratifying. And hard. But good. I shared the first half of Mosiah 2:34 and called them all to repent haha... nicely.
I say unto you, that there are not any among you,except it be your little children
that have not been taught concerning these things, but what knoweth that ye are
eternally indebted to your heavenly Father, to render to him
all that you have and are; (emphasis added)
So I just told them that they had to give everything up to the Lord or they're wasting their time. La verdad.
So yup. That's life. I'm really excited to see you all so soon, I can't even believe it! I was just thinking back to when I only had two weeks until I was leaving on my mission... I was trying to remember if they went fast or slow, but I can't remember! All I know is that on a mission, two weeks fly by.
I love you all so much! I can't wait to see you!!!
Sister Zollinger