Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Grateful for las pruebas!

So I´ve been really sick.... the doctor has no idea what´s wrong, pretty sure it´s a stress reaction but this is way more prolonged with more side effects and it hits at random times.... two Sundays ago was the worst. I just got super naseus, light headed basically felt like I was going to pass out and have my body oooze out.... so not fun. So that´s been going on for the past week, I´ve had several blessings and it´s getting more under control.... paying more attention to what I eat, drinking more and then just praying a LOT. My district is super great with prayers and blessings. Anyways, the Saturday before we sang I felt the most normal I had in a week and just had a great day. Sunday out of no where the stuff hits me again and i was miserable through Relief Society and Sunday School and Sacrament meeting.... so I had Elder Lund give me another blessing and I just really wanted to be able to sing in devotional.... it was a super great blessing. I felt pretty good right until two minutes before we were going to sing and it hit me again and I was pretty sure I wasn´t going up, two minutes before. But we all stood and said our theme and I just didn´t sit down, walked on the stage and basically felt God keep me standing and pushing out the music.... I´ve learned how to be a decent Soprano here but that was the easiest and the most in tune I´ve ever been.... It was literally a miracle. I was good for the rest of the day and yesterday, but today the super bumpy, long, hot, dangerous bus ride to the temple got me... slept a lot and still not feeling hot.

I´m definitely excited to be in the states next week. Fresno is actually generally a lot warmer than Mexico City if you can believe it. Super excited for that during the winter... not so much next summer haha.... So Elder Lund´s mom sent him a Halloween package last  week that happened to have a pack of like 30 pirate eye patches.... so we´re wearing them as a district. Until someone yells at us. Which will probably be pretty fast. But at least we have that to look forward to haha

I´m trying to decide how to blog up date you.... ummm... been sick. Getting better. I see miracles every day. I see angels every day. I love the work. The Book of Mormon is the truest book on the earth. The church is true. We all have a divine destiny and God wants nothing more than our success. Our bodies are temples and are amazing blessings that most of us take for granted every day. During this sickness I have never been more grateful for my body. As hard as it has been, it works so much better than so many other people´s bodies and it enables me to do so much. Such a blessing. I have also never been more grateful for las pruebas (trials) because it only means that God is working harder on me to help me be stronger. Every night I try to express gratitude for them. I know that He loves me and is watching out for me. I couldn´t be more grateful to be on a mission and to get to wear my Savior´s name next to mine on my name tag every day. I love Him and I will do anything for Him...... If you could attach that song clip some how and tell an edited version of the story that would be super great.... I´m trying to think of some funny story to tell you about the week.... but I feel like Mexico is just Mexico at this point. Life is beautiful. Spanish is exhausting but great. Love it here.

OH MY GOSH!!!!! SUPER FORGOT BIG NEWS!!!! So My afternoon teacher is this guy Hermano Tapia. Super love him, we are so close to our teachers... I realize I don´t write too much about them in here, but like they are so family. So there´s another teacher, Hermana Valasquez. She´s not our teacher, but she taugh another district that´s in el campo (the field) now and so she comes and helps us sometimes. She´s also family, Hermana Hurley and I are particularly close to her. So come to find out from a chat with Hermana V that she´s dating Hermano T. WHAT?! We totally guessed before she told us, but it was great. It was supposed to be a girl secret with Hermana V and us, but then Hermano T spilled the beans to the district. So they´ve been good friends for a while but only dating for three weeks. So we´d been talking to Hermano T and he said they knew they were going to get married, didn´t know when. Well Friday he comes in with her from some devotional.... outta no where he proposed to her in front of the whole district!!!!!!! She said yes, we were all going crazy, it was beautiful. So my two favorite Mexicans are getting married. So. Happy. That´s how close we are to our teachers.... they propose with us there.... I have learned to love deeper here than I have ever loved in my life. It´s amazing.


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